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Audio Stream Only

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Call Notes:

2015 = The Year of Crystal Clarity

Better Your Best in 2015
– Just recorded a webinar covering 5 strategies
– Replay link if you’d like to listen in: Click here to watch the replay

January Workshop:
– Our next LIVE "Max ROI with Non-Performing Notes Fast Start Workshop" –
Thursday & Friday, January 22nd & 23rd 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. This workshop is FREE with your membership 🙂

– Wednesday the 21st will be our “Workouts Wednesday” session.
– You need to register ASAP so we know who is coming. Here’s a link to register:

Please click here to RSVP for January’s Workouts Wednesday Session & Workshop

Open Question and Answer Session Today:

Travis discussed using trial agreements

Q: Who are the top 3 servicers you would recommend?

Travis: "There are pros and cons to all of the different services. Currently, FCI. Vetting the Loans Services Center as they have a pricing model we really like. Loans we are actually boarding we are using FCI."

Aaron goes through several options. Check members’ area for list of everything A to Z field services can do.

Pricing breakdown of A to Z services for group members:
– Visit a borrower one time: $45
– 2 attempts: $65
– 3 attempts: $85
– Warm transfer: $30

Question on Skip Tracing: Where do we get that information?

Answer: You can get it from us. We went through an approval process which allows us to get that information for you with a pretty quick turnaround time. Let us know and we can send over a work request.

Question: In the “Work Orders” section of the members site, is that where we do these services?

Answer: The Skip Tracing is not in there but contact us. The A to Z field services is there.

Q: Is there a charge for the skip tracing?

A: Yes it depends on the data points, but we can get that to you. It won’t be what other people charge.

Q: Question on Trinity and getting information from them.

A: We request as much as they will give to us, and sometimes we get as much information as they have.

2:00: Travis goes into additional details on working with Trinity

Anyone else on that first June purchase, if there is a pending issue that is still out there, we want to handle all of those at the same time so please let us know right away.

Q: Under “Resources” for the Attorney List. Do you have Michelle’s info?

A: We will be updating the list and other resources.

Gary Chung: Don Madden will be at the SD meeting this Thursday. Email Gary your questions to and he will ask them and provide the recording to the group.

Q: When you do a warm transfer, do you have to organize a time where you can meet up?

A: Yes, let them know your hours of operation.


See you next week, same time, same place!